Thursday, May 30, 2013

Renaissance Romance Weekend

Hello all

This past weekend was very interesting and eventful.

I will start by saying that I felt like Schrodinger for most of the week. I had simultaneously convinced myself that something would and would not happen. At least at the end of it all I was right…


I drove out early Wednesday morning to participate in the mermaid portion of Julia’s video. I was running a little behind, then got stuck behind the train, but managed to arrive in the nick of time.

It was a nice temperature. The sun was warm and the breeze kept it from being too warm. However, the water was cold and the breeze certainly did not help. We were all very cold. It was still fun

When I was taking my makeup off, I noticed that the top of my cheeks were very pink. It was kinda cute until I removed all of my makeup and realized I had little pale anti-scales :I

Afterwards, I was chilled and walked around in a cloak for the better part of the day.
I went to hang out with Cody for a while and we shot some arrows (I kept popping my arm with the string, which led to a greenish bruise on the inner part of my elbow. Somebody neglected to mention my form was off after the first time it happened. *cough*cody*cough* ) before deciding to go see Iron Man 3. It was very good. I have a tiny complaint, but it does not diminish my enjoyment of the film over all.

I slept in on Thursday, which was bad because it made the day feel stupidly short.
That evening I watched “Army of Darkness” and “Willow”. I had forgotten how good Willow is.

Friday was another lazy day. I took care of a few things around the mermaid hut, fiddled around with my computer, and relaxed in preparation for the weekend.
Saturday morning was pleasant. I feel that my makeup looked really good and I was especially happy with the scales on the bridge of my nose. I also did Kelci’s makeup that morning.

We all finished very early, making everything fairly relaxing.

I was in the shell all weekend.

Children were so funny. Most of them were very excited and I heard a lot of, “I knew mermaids were real!!!” this weekend. Also, I sang a lot of songs from Les Mis on Saturday and people noticed. Most were mothers mentioning it to their daughters. Such as, “isn’t that from that movie you like?”

One young man very excitedly gushed, “*gasp* Les Mis?!” I nodded. “Do You Hear the People Sing?!” I nod. “I love it! I am kind of a theatre nerd.” A few minutes later, I switched to “A Heart Full of Love” and glanced over at him to see him grinning and nodding vigorously.

I did have my first negative interaction. Well, negative for me, not for the patron. I was handing out shells and this one kid asked for a big shell, then they all asked for big shells, so I reached for my basket and the instigator child darted over, practically trampling a fern, and started digging through my shells. When the parent finally caught up she told them to stop and take whatever I was kind enough to give them. Then they all insisted on hugs. Now, I am a huggy person, but not when sticky little stranger children are involved. Especially not ones that I am already annoyed at. Then annoying instigator child “tickles” my tail, runs her hand across my leg while telling me that she likes my scales (no biggie, people do it all the time) but after that she TOUCHES MY FACE to express her love for my face scales.

I really do not like people touching my face. Especially annoying instigator stranger children >:I

I was encouraged to hiss at children that pull that in the future.

A positive interaction came after the last show of the day. We were recording some promotional video for the future and one of the camera men asked if he could take pictures for his daughters and we ended up recording a video of me telling them hello in mermish and holding up the shells I then gave to him to give to them.

That evening was beefy beany bacony thing at the Stonhenj camp. It is always yummy, but it was especially delicious this time. I brought along the thumbprint cookies and applecake I had baked. They seemed to be a hit

Alan had dinner with us and then invited me to the Scottish Cottage for bad movie night. This time it was “Robogeisha”. Another silly Japanese movie with an amusing dub. While the weapons themselves were hilarious (machine gun breasts, throwing stars fired from the backside, and “the AssSword”) I think the best part was when one of the bad guys brought his sword up in a sweeping arc after trailing in on the ground in a dramatic fashion. Alan freaked and shouted at the tv asking said character why he was dragging the tip of his sword through the gravel. It was hysterical.

Sunday was good as well. It was a little warm, but not bad.

I was given a pretty pink rose during the first set and after the owner lady came through I popped in my fangs for the second and third sets.

It went over really well! I specifically did not scare the kids, but when they would be facing away from me (especially when their parents would say, “scoot closer, she won’t bite” I would creepily hover them, fangs and all XD ) I am certainly not going for vampire mermaid, more “I would drown you if it weren’t for being well fed by the crew” mermaid.

It was a great crowd. Everyone who walked through was very happy and seemed excited about the experience. I mainly switched back and forth between “Greensleaves” and “Scarborough Fair” though I almost exclusively sang the mermaid song for the last hour and a half.

At the end of the day we closed early because we were so dead. I always relax for a moment before de-tailing as opposed to the other girls who quickly get out of costume. Well, that came in handy this time when we had a group of children who had waited until the last moment to come see the mermaids and were sad that they were going to miss out. Esperanza came in asking for shells so they would not leave empty handed and then Nathanial picked me up and ran me to the exit shouting, “Wait! She wants to see you! Hurry, she is drying out!” So the kids got to see a mermaid after all

Sunday night was leftovers at the Stonhenj camp followed by Blade as well as nerdy conversation.

I spent Monday morning wandering around Bizarre Bazaar with Mark, then saw the World’s Largest Donkeys with Cody, after which I packed and drove home.

It was a very nice weekend.

I will admit I am a little terrified. In two weeks I will be unemployed for the first time in almost five years. I am very unsure what I am going to do with myself and that uncertainty frightens me.

On a happier note: I know that my views on relationships (of all kinds, though I am specifically talking friendship here) are different from a lot of people. Especially people my own age. I would rather have very few true friends than a plethora of "friends". I am also a very huggy person (as previously mentioned. and huggy is totally a word) I like expressing my affection with hugging and nearness and baked things.


What I am getting at is that I want to say again how happy I am and how blessed I feel to be surrounded by people that seem to care for me very much and who are looking out for me. I am glad to have met you all and hope that these are lasting connections.

Now I am off to bake things.

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