Friday, February 15, 2013


I realise it has been a while with no updates, and I apologize :)

I got a phone call a few weeks ago asking if I wanted to participate in a new show they are starting this year, and after much consideration, I accepted.

That means I am not in the SAPA program.

But, if this other thing does not work out, I was guaranteed a spot in SAPA next year without having to re-audtion.

I felt it was a win-win.

I am not at liberty to discuss this position at this time, but as soon as it is announced to the public, I will be sure to post here and tell you!

As of now, I have a rough back story and I am still working on my name.

I am so very excited!

(The name I am thinking of right now is "Rosalie" but one of the other girls I will be working closely with wants us to have a theme going on, so if we go that route, I will have to convince them to go with flowers or I will need to pick a different name)