Thursday, May 30, 2013

Celtic Weekend

This weekend was probably the most delightful so far.

On Friday evening I watched Les Mis with Cody, as he had not seen the newest version yet, and sobbed at the end, as usual.

It was so so so cold that night. My feet were absolutely freezing. I finally warmed up around the time I needed to get out of bed :c

My makeup turned out the best it has ever been and the chilly morning warmed up fairly quickly. After the initial shock of the cold water, I was comfortable.

I was in the shell, then the coffin, followed by the shell again. I sang, played with my toroflux, and pantomimed wildly. People are really good and figuring out what I am trying to say, which is good, because I no longer have someone standing next to me at all times.

At one point, the wizard stopped by and brought us stone dolphin necklaces. It was a very sweet gesture and mine is moonstone (Moonstone is one of my two favorite semiprecious stones)

I also discovered that Scarby is doing something to my coordination. I use to be so graceful and surefooted. I mean, I was a skating carhop for years. I never dropped a tray, I only ran into two people (and that was at a blind corner both times), I use to run outside to skate in the rain with twirls and twists and never once fell. Then I got hired at the faire. I already shared falling out of my chair at the stonhenj camp in an earlier post, but now I have another story…

I was sitting on a bench with Oskar Hasselhoff when more people joined the group. He scooted over so that I could scoot over to make more room, but instead of scooting to the side, I scooted diagonally right off the bench. It was so embarrassing! Then I was laughing so hard my limbs were like jelly and I had to be picked up and put back on the bench.

The following evening was so wonderful. I started at the Stonhenj camp with Marcus and Tommie. Dinner was beef and vegetable stew (the news of which caused Jarrett to kiss Marcus on the mouth) and macaroni and cheese. As always, the company was delightful.

It cooled down rather quickly and I got a little cold. However, the always astute Marcus noticed I was getting chilly before I fully realized it, and put a cloak over my shoulders. Shortly afterwards, Alan joined us for stew and I had another cloak placed on top of me. I felt kind of guilty, because I was toasty warm while I feel others may not have been.

A little while later, Alan asked if I would like to accompany him to the junque to listen to Sick perform. It was so much fun! Sick is very talented and I enjoyed listening to him sing, play the guitar, and the violin/fiddle.

The best part was when Alan asked me to dance. I have always wanted to dance. Real dancing, not shimming in place or what not. I got to really dance with someone who knows how to dance. (which is good, because he made up for my complete lack of dancing skill)

It was so lovely.

Also, watching him dance to Stolichnaya was amazing.

Our next stop was the Scottish cottage where we caught the very end of “Vampire Girl vs. Frankenstein Girl”. It was so bad. So so bad. The dub didn’t match the subtitles, the plotline was convoluted, and the acting… *shudder*

Alan’s commentary really made the movie. Especially when he started shouting along with the song over the ending credits. I was laughing so hard that it hurt. (I am sure my corset was not helping) but I was almost in tears and I couldn’t breathe. It was the best.

Afterwards, he walked me back to my shed and wished me good night.
I actually slept really well and was very warm, despite the cold weather. (It was also nice to know that had I been too cold, that two different people offered me a place to stay)

The only downside? I fell asleep in my contacts.

They didn’t do anything to my eyes, but I was concerned. Well… almost nothing. When I was checking to make sure they were in the right place on my eyes, I noticed I had an eye booger /in the middle of my eye/ it was sooooo disgusting. (yes, I did need to share that with you)

Sunday felt colder than Saturday to me.

I was in the shell for all three shows. I have finally figured out how to sit in that thing so that it does not make me feel like cutting off my feet.

The day felt strangely long though.

I had a lot of talkative little kids this weekend, so my pantomime skills were put to the test. Though I successfully conveyed that I swim down in the water to collect the shells that I hand out to the children, that I made my own costume, in my home, in the ocean. I love singing, I don’t speak much, and I do know Ariel a little, but she is still a human and no longer in the ocean. (I was also asked where she is now, but the child answered her own question when she said, “oh, right. She lives in Disneyland.”)

We were also gifted with a fruit platter. It was really yummy.

And how could I forget the unicorns. We had two men come through in unicorn costumes and take pictures with us. It was hysterical.

At the end of the day I had dinner with Marcus and Tommie again, before heading off to listen to Cantiga play. Their music is so beautiful and soothing. Then I watched “The Devil’s Carnival” with Cody.

I remembered to take out my contacts before going to bed and slept ridiculously late. After I finally dragged myself out of bed, I reorganized my food cooler, packed my belongings, and drove home.

I have been immensely blessed to meet these people that have been so kind and warm and welcoming to me. I want to say again that I greatly appreciate Marcus for keeping an eye on the lagoon and always watching out for me. All of Stonhenj has been very good to me. I am glad to be breaking out of my shell a little bit and making new friends. Thank you Alan for dancing with me; it was initially out of my comfort zone, as I was afraid to make a fool of myself (or of stepping on your feet) but it was really wonderful and I doubt I’ll ever forget it. Then last, but not least, thank you Cody for riding with me to Walmart so that I didn’t get lost, and for watching (and commenting on) movies with me.

As always, I am looking forward to what next weekend has in store

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