Monday, January 14, 2013

The Audition

Waking up early was not fun.

I am so not a morning person.

Anyway, even getting out there was quite the ordeal. My truck floats so well it should be titled as a boat. Seriously, I hit a puddle and *bloop* there I go, floating along with no traction.


So, I finally make it there, sign in, etc. Then we all funnel into the room.

It was a fairly large room with one row of chairs facing the table where the judges sat.

(one guy made a comment about there only being one row and that nobody could hide in the back now)

Everyone was very warm and friendly.

All the activities we did *cough*games we played*cough* were to show how we interacted with others and our spontaneity.

Afterwards, I went to lunch with some of the other people who auditioned. *gasp* yes, the eternal hermit went out and did something. Shocking, I know.

That evening, I went to the mall (for the first time in quite a while) with my sister to buy some clothes for a new job and that is when I received the phone call.


I realize that there is still a chance things might not work out, but I am extremely excited out it.

I am very much looking forward to orientation and the workshops.

Stay tuned ~

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

My Audition is in a Few Days and...

I am freaking out.

I mean, I am still happy and excited, but the closer it gets, the more real it becomes.

It does not help that I just got the FAQ sheet and it makes the whole process seem a little daunting.

"Understand not everyone will make it into the Performing Company, but that in no way reflects badly on you."

Fairly obvious. I can deal with that. All I have to worry about is the audition. I pass that, get a quick answer, then I know my fate.

If I get a "yes", then my worries are over, right?

"Wrong. Typically 20% of new actors invited won’t make it in the Company by opening day for a variety of reasons."


I mean, holy cow. It is good to know this ahead of time, but man, the pressure is really on now!

I am trying to prepare myself for "7 weekends of the most intense workshops available", but as I have never done anything like this in my life, I am focusing more on trying to remain calm.



At this point in time, I have an audition for SAPA (Scarborough Academy of Performing Arts).

Even if I do not get a part, I still plan on going out there most, if not every, weekend this season.

I also plan to make it down to TRF most weekends.

We will see what the future holds ^-^



     My name is Carly and I am starting this journal to keep track of my experiences at the various Renaissance Festivals I attend from here on.


First, let me apologize for this opening post. It mainly consists of me trying to recount my first visits to the faire and some of it is a little fuzzy. There is also a touch of rambling and an attempt to remember what I purchased and when. Future posts will be in more managable portions with a fresher mind and therefore will be better written and a more entertaining read. There will also be better discriptions of what I did, people I met, and shows I watched. (In all honesty, they will probably end up being much like the latter portion of this post).

Anyway, I hope you enjoy.


My renfest days started three years ago when a friend of mine, who had attended them herself since she was a young child, invited me to go to the Scarborough Renaissance Festival.

I borrowed garb from her and had a great time. I bought some simple, trinket-y type things. If memory serves, I purchased my first pet dragon (a dark blue one, with touches of red and yellow, and a glow-in-the-dark spine), then a copper rose (to add to my rose collection), a comb (the kind you use to hold your hair in place), and a bat puppet.

I believe I attended the faire only once that year.

I could hardly wait for the next season to come 'round.

The following year I went again with the same friend, again borrowing garb from her.

A few weekends later I returned with a different acquaintance and finally purchased my own outfit.

It consisted of a red chemise, a black cincher, and layered skirts from the Frock Shoppe. I also purchased another comb (this time in black) and a rose made of leather. (I am sure there were other things, but I do not remember them at this time)

In 2012 I only made it out there for Labor Day weekend. Of course, after driving it myself for the first time, I was kicking myself for not going more times, simply because I did not realize just how close it really was.

Saturday and Sunday I had my best friend with me. That was when I made the bulk of my purchases. I bought another layer for my outfit (a beautiful dress from MyFavoriteDressShoppe), a corset, a hair wrap, a keychain, some lovely candles (from the Legendary Candle Shop), a pouch and a bird whistle (painted like a cardinal).

That Monday I met up with a different friend and spent most of the day wandering and taking pictures.

Fast forward to the following October.

I had decided that I was going to attend All Hallow's Eve weekend down at the Texas Renaissance Festival.

Despite the drive, it was an absolute blast.

I want to list the negative things first so that I can end on a happy note.

First, it was a four hour drive.

Then, I was stuck in a car with a person who has terrible taste in music, sings along, and randomly changes the lyrics to describe whatever he is seeing >.> ( for example, "oh looook... there is a mcDONALDSsssssss, over there, do od do do od...)

Also, it was frigidly cold.

We were, unfortunately, camped next to druggies and drunkards and someone thought it would be great to go out and get a little under-aged drinking in while he could. (I will never go anywhere with that coworker again)

Finally, I was walking around in heels for two days straight and managed to dig a hole in one of my toes with my pinkie toenail <.<


I started the rounds, checking out a few shops and getting a free sample of kettle corn. Now I usually don't care for kettle corn, but this stuff was good!

I wandered over and caught the end of the first adult school of sword by the inimitable Oskar Hasselhoff. He is great. I learned a lot because he is both funny and informative.

I made my way back over to the arena and watched the joust.

After which I watched the very end of a Tartanic show

(why yes, those are bagpipe wings :D )

I got pulled into a shoe shop where I was quickly ditched by my companion. I believe the nice looking shoe seller might have taken a liking to me.

I caught the beginning of the parade and took tons of pictures.

After that, I alternated between the school of sword and Cast in Bronze. I donated money to Herr Hasselhoff's fund and got myself a pin that displays the seal of Dresden, Germany and lets all that see it know that I support violence!

(the faint coat of arms in the back is what the pin looks like)

Also, I love the carillon so much. For the 5 o'clock show I sat directly in front of Cyrus and watched the show. It was so great. I bought another CD and he signed it for me.

I walked some more and found myself near one of the most talented performers I have ever had the pleasure of witnessing.

I spent quite a while watching the Marble Jester in action. Or "inaction" I should say. >///< He is so wonderful.

He stands atop a pedestal, unmoving, until someone comes along and drops money in his jar. Then he springs to life.

I tipped him quite a bit and got a video of him interacting with me.

If you are a man he will bow, then shake your hand.

If you are a woman, he will bow, get you to curtsy, shake your hand, then gently kiss it.

If you are a child, he will wave, shake your hand, and more often than not do a series of illusions involving distorted, elongated, or magically morphing fingers.

Also, if you have a sturdy, straight object with you, he will take it and balance it on his chin.

After that I wandered some more, got my portrait done, and went to see the closing fireworks.

After I made it back to the tent I was in for a chilly night.

The next morning I made a beeline towards the school of sword to see what I would learn. I made the rounds and caught the attention of one of the workers who manned the rides, we talked for a few moments before he had to get back to work. I hope he didn't get in too much trouble, as he told me he shouldn't spend too long talking to any one person.

I saw the end of the 10:30 school of sword and let me tell you, stabbing people in the kidneys will always be funny to me.

I tried to make a habit of passing by the candied almond booths so I could keep collecting free samples.

I watched part of the Clan Tynker show and I can only say that I regret not having a better view. They are great.

I watched the parade and met back up with my coworker.

We watched a "fakespereian" drama and then I headed back over for the 1:30 school of sword and got a seat right near the front. That lesson was the double handed sword followed by rapier and dagger. Afterwards I purchased a copy of his self defense book, "Grab Them by the Crotch and Throw Them Out the Window".

I watched the Cast in Bronze show and bought his DVD at the end. It took the lady selling the CDs a minute to recognize me but she did, and when I got in line to get it signed, Cyrus recognized me right away. When I told him I was flattered he remembered me, he said that he wouldn't forget a pretty girl like me. :D Then he let me take my picture with him.

I caught the fire whip show, which was very impressive, and did *shocking* more wandering.

Walked all the way across the faire and caught the end of the Ded Bob show. Man he is funny!

I scored a front row seat to watch Tartanic and enjoyed myself immensely.

Of course, as it was about that time, I headed back over to see my favorite attraction: The Marble Jester.


I met a guy that works at Ren Leather. He had gotten off early and enjoyed watching this performer almost as much as I did.

I watched as this amazing performer balanced swords and other oddities.

I got my new friend to take pictures while I tipped the jester (again) and got to watch his talent and grace.

He took the wooden roses I had bought earlier in the day and balanced them as I watched in wonder and awe.

As he was packing his things to go I gave him another tip and he spoke to me for a moment *squeeeeeee*

anyway, after that I walked around for a while longer before catching the fireworks show (with musical accompaniment by the fabulous Tartanic) before heading to the car for the drive home.

I was a little sad. I guess it feels like I am leaving some part of myself behind, if that makes any sense.

That was when I decided I would come back as soon as I could.

I picked Celtic Christmas, because somehow the final weekend of the season seems to have that much more magic.

This time, however, I went alone.

I had a wonderful three day weekend.

I started out later than I would have liked, but the drive was not all that bad, just long.

(okay, I have no idea why it is doing this and I am too tired to fix it right now...)

I arrived between two and three and made my way over to the Globe stage where I met up with Tonks.

After watching the end of the Ded Bob Sho I caught the last Clan Tynker show of the day. When I went over to tip one of the performers, he remembered me from when I'd written him a letter! Needless to say that made me very happy.

I went to the Frock Shoppe and bought a few new items on clothing, then wandered around for a while before the closing ceremony where I watched Clan Tynker's antics and the Marble Jester balance his way around the arena's railing.

The closing fireworks were, as always, amazing.

I hadn't felt like acquiring and setting up a tent, so I camped in my truck. It was surprisingly comfortable! I wasn't too cold and I had picked a spot that was nice and quiet.

The next day I got up to the front gate a few minutes after the opening canon.

I headed over to the Globe stage to secure a front row seat to the first Clan Tynker show of the day.

They are amazingly talented and I highly suggest seeing their act at least once, if not multiple times.

I met back up with Tonks in time for the second performance which we both enjoyed. (before which, a cotton candy vendor had attracted the attention of Sam Tynker when he started drumming to get to crowd to notice him and buy his wares. They did a little impromptu drum duet.)

We saw the parade and checked out a few stores before going back to the Globe stage for another round of Clan Tynker.

I asked 
Elijah if I could take a picture with him and he kindly agreed.

My friend asked if we could forgo the final show, and I acquiesced because I was going to be attending the faire the next day, while she was not, and could watch more shows then. 

We exited the gates and dropped a few things off at her car and on the way back encountered the most amusing pirate. He was up near one of the gates calling out to his "dear not quite as of yet inebriated darlings" and informing them that he was here for their pleasure and would take pictures with, hug, or kiss people for tips. All with a distinctive pirate-y accent. Too bad I don't have any pictures, it was very funny.

Even after agreeing to missing out on the 4:30 show, I still managed to sneak back over in time for the end of said show and bought not only Sounds from Stage Right by Clan Tynker, but Pulse by Sam Tynker as well. 

After more sight-seeing and general carrying-on, we ended up over between the Globe stage and the Queen's Pantry where I sat and waited for my friend to go back out to the car and retrieve her cloak. 

That is when I met Love in Vain. He was dressed as a demon and walked around in these insane hoof boots. It was really fun talking to him, as he enjoys watching Clan Tynker nearly as much as I do. He assured me that they are just as nice off stage as they are when they are on stage.

I would describe him as "delightfully creepy".

He and I parted ways when he went to "morph into human form" and met back up at the Davinci Dots booth where he, my friend, and I watched the fireworks from there.

Ultimately we got back to the front and went on the ghost tour. After which I drove my friend back to her hotel and sat around drinking hot chocolate before driving back to the camp grounds.

The last day out there was a little strange. It was the first time I was at a ren faire without someone I knew to keep me company.

Predictably, I made a beeline to the Globe stage and watched the, you guessed it, Clan Tynker show.

I met some nice people and those connections came in handy later.

After the show I got Elijah and Rebekah's signatures.

I came up with a completely insane idea somewhere around the end of the second show after I had secured Sam, Santiago, and Serendipity's signatures and was pondering on that when I encountered the parade. 

That was when my third and final camera battery died on me. (bleeegh, and I really could have used it later that afternoon)

As I was walking by the arena and encountered Love in Vain again and he encouraged me to go through with my idea. (he also offered to give me a kiss card to use, but I politely, if not frantically, declined. While blushing furiously I am sure.)

Then he stopped one of the french ladies and asked her for the best way to get yourself a guy.

She imparted a plan involving a bear trap and a meal cooked with love. (all told with a wonderful french accent)

LiV (yes, I am too lazy to type that out) wanted to see the third Clan Tynker show so he accompanied me to the wooden rose booth so I could pick up a gift before we went to the Globe stage.

It took us a while to get there because he cannot walk for very long in those shoes of his before he has to sit down.

We sat towards the back and side and after the show he followed me over to where Elijah was collecting tips and set about making the situation quite awkward before I gave Elijah what I picked up at the wooden rose booth.

A single white wooden rose.

I chose a wooden one because I knew they would be packing up to leave soon and I thought it would be more durable for travel if he chose to keep it.

(fun fact for you trivia type people, white roses represent innocence, wistfulness, hope, reverence, and secrecy in the long dead language of flowers)

Elijah thanked me and promptly did a little balancing act with it. He then told me that he wasn't planning on doing his living statue act and might have a little time after the fourth show to chat if I wanted.

I nearly died, but stayed composed (I think) and told him that sounded really nice.

I walked around with LiV a little longer and parted ways sometime around four.

Unfortunately, I did not manage to run into him again and I am having the hardest time finding him via the internet.

I was in the second row for the last Clan Tynker show of the season. However, I was behind the people I had met at the first show of the day and when Rebekah encouraged the crowd to scoot in to make room on the sides for the people in the back, instead of moving into the empty spot, they had me move up so I was in the front row!

The show was really amazing and afterwards I walked over to where Elijah was collecting tips. A few of his other fans came over and spoke to him as well. After they left, he said that he had some things he had to pack and such, but that if I wanted to wait for a few minutes that I could walk over to the last Wine and Alchemy show with him and Sam.

I said that sounded wonderful (hopefully without making too big of a fool of myself) and waited around the back of the Globe stage.

We walked over to the show and I can't believe that I had never stopped before to listen. I had heard them in passing, but I was usually on my way somewhere and hadn't realized how good they are. Now I am going to have to hunt around for a copy of their CD. (Thanks Elijah)

Serendipity gave them roses, Sam got up on stage and played the drums, and Elijah and I stood back and talked in between songs. (sometimes while we were watching them perform, Elijah would start singing along quietly. He has a nice voice and it was adorable.)

(no pictures, of course, what with my camera dying and all)

He is an extremely kind, sweet, and immensely talented man. (and humble, which is incredibly endearing)

He asked me about things I liked to do and was encouraging when I mentioned my failures at learning to ride my unicycle. We also talked about other ren faires I attend and he told me he has actually been to Scarborough before. (It would be so cool to see him there sometime)

He had to leave to prepare for the closing ceremony, but before he left he gave me the lovely red rose he had been carrying around and said it was in exchange for the gift I gave him earlier.

Afterwards I stopped by one last shop before getting a seat in the arena to watch the pyro juggler, the fire whip show, and Clan Tynker before wandering a touch more.

I listened to the singers in the nearby tavern sing "Hoist the Colors" and confounded the worker that manned one of the games when he said, "What are you doing wandering around alone my lady? Where is your lord?" and I replied, "I do not have one."

I stood at the back of the arena to watch the fireworks display and waited for the crowd to thin before heading out to listen to Tartanic play one more time before the festival ended.

It was a little saddening, knowing that I would not see the fairgrounds (or my favorite shows) again for another ten months, but I found comfort in the fact that Scarborough is only five months away and a shorter distance from my house, so I should be able to make it out there more than twice. (even though it is past application time, I am still seriously considering sending one in anyway to see if maybe, just maybe they will accept it. Or perhaps just to see if it is something they would be interested in for the next season)

After a slightly unnerving drive home (during which I found myself having trouble concentrating on the road, and had to roll down my window to freeze myself out so I could keep myself awake) I arrived back at my house at about two in the morning.

All and all, I had a great time and met some wonderful people whom I can hopefully get back in touch or stay in touch with.